(Here's the story reprinted from Mimi Writes)
Peace bloggers they were. And are.
You see, my good friend Duchess Linda Upon The Thames who writes Are We There Yet? is known for her excellence in the fine art of instigating (who do you think is responsible for the dungeon? Hmmmm?) took her magical camera on a frolic one lovely summer day in New England to discover this in the province of Rhode Island -
two statues by internationally acclaimed artist/sculptress Anne Mimi Sammis from Narragansett, Rhode Island. Here is the piece Linda wrote on her blog called "Sculptures of Peace and Joy in Rhode Island" and the wonderful photographs she took.
"Dance Of Peace"

Linda had discovered someone who uses her talent to inspire and motivate others for the cause of love and peace in our world. And she does it with incredible panache. With a little research I learned that Anne Mimi Sammis was commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury to sculpt a piece for Queen Elizabeth II to honor Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee. The sculpture has been on permanent exhibition since 2002 at Lambeth Palace in London and is called "He Has The Whole World In His Hands". The work depicts the Hand of God holding a globe with dancing figures on the top.

Another of her wonderful peace creations, "Dancing On The World" is on display at The American Embassy in Paris.
Her work has been exhibited at The United Nations and in 1999 at The Hague Appeal For Peace Conference in the Netherlands.
She recently hosted The Peace Art Project: A Month of Peace at the University of Rhode Island in Providence.
Everything she creates has a sense of joy, love, peace and unity.
She is truly a remarkable voice for peace.

I emailed her.
I was so excited to receive this reply.
" Dear Mimi,
Thank you so much for your kind words! I always love for others to be inspired by my work.
I am ever so busy this time of year but I appreciate your request for a peace globe submission. I would be delighted for you to pick one of my images from the web and reproduce it as long as credit to Mimi Sammis is posted.
I wish you peace and the best of luck with the Peace Globe Movement. Please keep me posted on all of your progress!
Have a wonderful summer,
Mimi Sammis
Anne Mimi has said this of her own work. I wholeheartedly concur.
"It is my hope that my sculpture touches, inspires, and validates the peace that is within each one of us. I feel strongly that love is the healer of everything. When people come into contact with art, if love and joy are represented, the response and interaction with it can raise the consciousness of the world."
- Anne Mimi Sammis
And who would design it? None other than long time peace blogger, graphics designer and peace movement enthusiast Sanni Janski from Germany, who has designed more peace globes for folks around the world than anyone I know.
It is now officially #1760 in the Peace Globe Gallery.
Sometimes I marvel at the way things come round full circle.
Two Mimis, two Queens, a Duchess and a German peace lover
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