They counted down from 100 to zero.
Now that's what you call serious peace blogging. Read the amazing insights from authors and bloggers all over the world. I am constantly adding to this remarkable collage as I discover them in the Blogosphere. I'd like to introduce you to some incredibly dedicated people who made it their mission to search out just why indeed they blog for peace. You'll find some amazing posts and inspiration on their blogs. I honor their love of peace and their willingness to challenge themselves enough to share it with the world.
This was my challenge: If you are a peace blogger (even if you're not!) join me in counting down to the next BlogBlast For Peace on November 4. We say we want peace? The world wants to know why. Let's tell them. Simply post this logo on your blog or FB page with one reason each day for the next 100 days.
How many reasons can we find?
Let's go! Here's what they had to say....
Let's go! Here's what they had to say....
P.S. This is a work in progress. Stay tuned. I keep adding entries as I find them.
Terica's Flower Impressions expanded into a brand new blog just to hold her peace reasons. It's called Terica Blogs For Peace.
North Carolina
#21 Revolution Whispers #22 Nobel Peace Prize For Women #23 US Military Veterans #24 I Am Who I Am #25 Peace Art #26 America Falling? #27 A Good spirit Song #28 American Poverty #29 Stop Bullies

i blog for peace today.. for all peaceful protesters
I blog for peace today for all the new children born into this world
i blog for peace today so children stay children and not force to carry a gun at age 10.. kill there own family so they can live
i blog for peace today.. for the lost children who live on the streets
i blog for peace today... for parents who have trouble teens

Cheysuli is blogging for peace as only she can...

Columbia, South Carolina
#65 I Blog for Peace Because I Seek To Redeem #66 I Blog For Peace Because I Seek Redemption
#67 Reason to Blog4Peace: CoExist
2011 BlogBlast4Peace Peace Globe Act Locally: Reasons To Blog4Peace #65-74 Peace Within Me We Remember

#84 The Glory of War #83 Dominion of Dreams #82 Let It Begin with Me #81 An Unlikely Angel #79 Peace Globes 2010 #78 A Little Town With A Huge Heart #77 The Sisters Buried At Lemnos and Poems For Peace
Travis of Trav's Thoughts
United States Known as Dancing Bee for Peace and maker of most excellent peace globes (a Peace Globe Worker Bee extraordinaire), Travis posts a 30 day countdown each year featuring Peace Quotes. Even while blogging the 100 Reasons, he still carries on this tradition on his blog.
Reason 62: Because being willing to stand and defend does not mean I condone hitting first.
Reason 61: On the Turning Away, written by David Gilmour and Anthony Moore, recorded by Pink Floyd, released in 1987 on the album A Momentary Lapse of Reason
Reason 60: Because it can be challenging enough to make a prosperous life without the added difficulty of slogging through constant conflict.
Reason 59: Because I don't know how to be indifferent to the suffering that goes on in the world. I blog for peace because to be idle is to lend some measure of credibility to the idea that it's enough that I am not suffering in this moment. When one suffers we all are the worse for it.
Reason 58: I blog for peace so that I shall continuously renew the patience and persistence I need to re-dedicate myself every year to a path of fulfillment based in knowledge, responsibility, service, and respect for diversity.
Reason 20: In the Lord of the Rings films, Lady Galadriel (played ethereally by Cate Blanchett, says "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." I am just arrogant enough to believe that I can change the future by my actions, and so my actions include blogging for Peace.
Reason 19: Because I can't control what someone else is going to do, and sometimes I can't control my own circumstances. The only thing I have control over is my act or not. I choose to act as a Peace blogger.

#79 We, Robot #80 Peeing on The Linoleum #80 Account Closed
#81 Colours #82 Love Letters #83 Right Now #2 #84 Right Now: At This Moment #85 Declare WAR For Peace #90-86 PEACE (letter by letter)
#99-91 Examining the word #100 The very first BlogBlast with Mimi
Shannon Wamsley @ Shannon's Moments of Introspection ~ Wisconsin
Shannon's Reasons - And she put them all in one post for me. Yay!
Reason #100 - So my children have a better world to live in.
Reason #99 - To stop the hatred
Reason #98 - To be free from pain
Reason #97 – Because peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you do , something you are and something you give away (Robert Fulghum)
Reason #96 – Peace helps eliminate stress, worries and anxieties
Reason #95 – To help us develop patience
Reason #94 – To help us develop tolerance
Reason #93 – To help us feel stable
Reason #92 – Because every life is precious
Reason #91 – To make life look brighter
Reason #90 – Peace is its own reward. (Gandhi)
Reason #89 – So we can sleep at night with fewer worries.
Reason #88 – To prevent things like "Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan"
Reason #87 – So we can sing loud and proud!
Reason #86 - So people can travel the world and enjoy all the wonders.
Reason #85 - So some people have a good reason to get up in the mornings.
Reason #84 - To help prevent hunger
Reason #83 - To eliminate hate crimes
Reason #85 - So some people have a good reason to get up in the mornings.
Reason #84 - To help prevent hunger
Reason #83 - To eliminate hate crimes
Reason #82 - To help eliminate poverty
Reason #81 - To promote better health
Reason #80 - So we can leave our doors unlocked at night
Reason #79 - So the world can stand united
Reason #78 - To share the love
Reason #77 - To rid the world of demons
Reason #76 - To show the world there is nothing wrong with getting along
Reason #75 - To end the suffering of millions of people
Reason #74 - Because there is nothing wrong with getting along
Reason #73 - So my son can sleep in his own bed each night.
Reason #72 - To end child abuse
Reason #71 - To end animal abuse
Reason #70 - To promote understanding
Reason #69 - So everyone can have an education
Reason #68 - So dreams can come true
Reason #67- To fill the world with love
Reason #66 - To fill the world with happiness
Reason #65 - To prevent abuse of the elderly
Reason #64 - To work together to find a cure for cancer
Reason #63 - So that people slow down to smell the roses
Reason #62 - So there are no more protest at military funerals
Reason #61 - To protect the world from stupidity
Reason #60 - So that everyone's opinion is truly valued
Reason #59 - To prevent "flash mobs"
Reason #58 - So that people have a real reason to want to change
Reason #57 - “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” ~Buddha
Reason #56 - So we may enjoy moments of silence
Reason #55 - So that people are not afraid to stop and help someone that is broke down on
the side of the road.
Reason #54 - So that things like 9-11 never happen againReason #53 - To help prevent drive by shooting.
Reason #52 - So we can dance in the streets
Reason #51 - To celebrate life
Reason #50 - To enjoy love
Reason #49 - So we can safely reach out to our neighbors.
Reason #48 - So people of all races can share a meal together
Reason #47 - So our loved ones always feel safe.
Reason #46 - So everyone can enjoy a good game of Football.
Reason #45 - Why not blog for peace?
Reason #44 - So we can all take long walks in the woods.
Reason #43 - To be able to stroll down the beach hand in hand.
Reason #42 - To beat the devils at their own games.
Reason #41 - To work together to cure the common cold
Reason #40 - So that everyone has a friend they can lean on
Reason #39 - So people dont have to hide in their closets.
Reason #38 - So children dont have to hide under their beds.
Reason #37 - So that everyone can tell the truth and not be punished.
Reason #36 - To prevent the annihilation of the human race
Reason #35 - Because we all need a little love in our life.
Reason #34 - So we can all sit on our front porch and enjoy the fresh air.
Reason #33 - For freedom
Reason #32 - To preserve our planet
Reason #31 - To save our values
Reason #30 - To uphold our morals
Reason #29 - To raise the bar on our standards
Reason #28 - To fill the world with harmony
Reason #27 - So laughter can fill the streets
Reason #26 - So that even the weary can rest
Reason #25 - To help prevent child abuse around the world
Reason #24 - To help prevent animal abuse around the world
Reason #23 - So we can stop chasing our dreams and begin to live those dreams
Reason #22 - To prevent senseless deaths
Reason #21 - To prevent senseless destruction
Reason #20 - Because I see no reason why we should not Blog For Peace
Reason #19 - Because I WANT to blog for Peace
Reason #18 - Because we NEED peace
Reason #17 - Because sometimes we do crazy things
Reason #16 - Because Peace is something we have to work hard for
Reason #15 - Because peace is something that takes a united group
Reason #14 - So everyone can enjoy a good baseball game (or whatever sport they like) in comfort.
Eileen Trainor
San Marcos, Texas
Endangered Spaces
Texas RVTravel
Why do I blog for peace? If I can cause one mind to doubt, to study further, to ask questions, then I have done something that would not have been done if I had not tried. Try, won't you?
I blog for peace because I want the world to remember the words of Jimmy Carter: War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. - Jimmy Carter
Randal H. Moomaw ~ Sugar Creek, Ohio
I blog for peace because we have ENOUGH historic dates!!!
Diane Hsz ~ Connecticut
I blog for Peace. The seasons are changing and in spite of how we treat Mother Earth, she survives. But is surviving enough? By promoting peace we bring peace not only to others, but to Mother Earth. But what does it do for us personally?
This week I participated it a drumming circle for International Peace Day. In a moment of drumming I could hear the heart beat of Mother Earth.
I blog for peace because there is hope.
EmmDee Writes
I Blog4Peace because Desmond Tutu said, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

Real Life 101 Reason that I blog for Peace ~ Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth
Real Life 501 reason that I blog for Peace - I have and I know love for all of God's children
Reason No. 502 that I am a peace blogger - w/peace there is the opportunity for open communication and love to occur no matter the known differences. So, give peace a chance ~ after all the animals do it.
Susan St. Clair
Toronto, Canada
I blog for peace because...
#100 I blog for peace because despite its occasional challenges because I hope that it will inspire you dear reader to think about your own thoughts of peace, and why peace is important to you.
#99 I blog for peace because each day that I do I personally feel uplifted and empowered. If we spread our peaceful vibe through our blogs, and our tweets, and our websites it will just keep catching on
#98 I blog for peace because although it can be challenging at times I believe the end goal to be worthwhile.
#97 I blog for peace because I can respect the basic human rights and needs of all people even if I do not personally like or agree with them.
#96 I blog for peace because of all the good and fun things to do and look forward to, like the happy smiling faces of trick or treaters. Happy Halloween!
#95 I blog for peace because I do not believe any of us has the right to put another in harms way especially other people's children.
#94 I blog for peace because it gives me hope for the future and a sense of community by committing to the idea of peace along with so many of my fellow peace bloggers.
#93 I blog for peace because prosperity comes through peace and peaceful relations
#92 A wise person once said that we made wars so why can't we just unmake them. I agree, and that is why I blog for peace.
#91 Blogging for peace gives me an outlet to share my feelings towards war and conflict, and peace. It allows me to share my hope and vent my frustration.
#90 I blog for peace because it gives me the ability to participate, even if only in a very small way, in the global peace movement. And that in turn makes me feel good
#89 I blog for peace in memory of my Grandfather Mihaly who fought on what some might consider the "wrong side" during WWI. He was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army. He did not want to be a soldier, he just wanted to farm. He was a kind, and good man who loved his country. I learned through him that there is never a "wrong side" just fellow human beings.
#88 I blog for peace because I know that there is no such thing as an "us and a them," there is only we, and we can find better ways to resolve our differences than resorting to hurting, and killing each other
#87 I blog for peace because war has harmed people that I love.
#86 I blog for peace for all those generations of people yet to come, in the hope that they will never have to know the horrors of war.
#85 I blog for peace because love is better than hate, hope is better than fear, and peace is better than war.
#84 I blog for peace because wars harm our planet, and the most vulnerable that inhabit it.
#83 I blog for peace in memory of my Oma who lost her husband, her parents, her two brothers, and some of her sisters as a direct result of war. No one should have to lose their loved ones to armed conflicts. That is just one reason why I blog for peace, and am proud to be part of the peace movement online.
#82 I blog for peace because if we achieve outer peace I think we will all achieve more inner peace as well, and a more lovely state of being.
#81 I blog for peace because after the last bloody century this world desperately needs to heal.
#80 I blog for peace for my grandmother who endured many horrors during the WWII.
#79 I blog for peace even when I do not feel like it, because ultimately I know it is something I would like to see our world achieve.
#78 I blog for peace because in my opinion we have enough to deal with on this planet so why add something as preventable and horrific as war.
#77 I blog for peace because I remember the Cold War and growing up with the worry that old, very powerful, very rich men had the power to blow up our planet.
#76 I blog for peace because I believe in the power of positive thinking :)
#75 I blog for peace on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day for which I give thanks for the peace I have known, and wish for all others.
#74 I blog for peace today because I believe we all have much better things to spend our money on than the war-machine
#73 I blog for peace because it honours all of my family that have suffered because of war.
#72 I blog for peace because on a beautiful long Thanksgiving Day weekend that last thing we should need to worry about is violence and war. Happy Thanksgiving Day long weekend Canada and Happy Friday!
#71 I blog for peace because I am fed up with mothers having to send off their kids to be killed the horror of which I cannot imagine and is unthinkable.
#70 I blog for peace because the alternative to peace is unacceptable.
#69 blog for peace for my grandfather. He lies in a mass grave somewhere in Ukraine. His name was Maurice Kutasevich, and he was a husband, and a father, he managed a busy factory, and he loved dancing, and music and strawberries. He was murdered in August 1937 along with 40,000 + others. He was taken away from his family by the NKVD in the middle of the night. He was never seen by his wife or children again. My grandfather was murdered for his political beliefs and lies in an unmarked mass grave somewhere in Ukraine. I blog for peace for him.
#68 I blog for peace because I believe in the peace movement. I believe it is worthwhile.
#67 Only during times of peace do we get to celebrate our diversity as human beings, and grow, and learn from one another.
#66 I blog for peace despite the occasional struggle, because I do feel it is worth it.
#65 I believe in love and love requires peace.
#64 I blog for peace because so that all the children of the world can grow up without the type of fear and terror only wars can bring.
#63 I blog for peace because my friend's little girl is being bullied at school. Bullying or being bullied physically, or verbally is not some childhood right of passage, but a form of youth/peer terrorism. There must be zero tolerance for bullies, and bullying behaviour. Peace is key and something we all must teach our children.
#62 I blog for peace because it is a far greater state of being than to live with war.
#61 I blog for inner peace today, and by extension one hopes that will lead to an outward calm and peace.
#60 I blog for peace as a way of honouring all of those souls in the past and all those living in the present who wish for it and worked towards achieving it
#59 When I look at my children and think that one day they may have children of their own it is easy to wish for a world where those future generations will only know of war through history books as opposed to news and current events.
#58 I blog for peace in the hope that it can be achieved in my lifetime.
#57 I believe in the "we" as opposed to the "us and them" view, which will hopefully lead us to peace. Blogging for and about peace makes me feel I am making my contribution to the "we."
#56 Happy International Peace Day! What a great way to reflect on our reasons for wanting peace. :)
#55 I had the opportunity to meet with some of our young Canadian soldiers this past weekend at a festival here in Toronto. What a great group of young people. I blog for peace today for them, so that they never have to be sent away into an armed conflict, that would be my wish for them. Peace.
#54 And on those days I do find it more difficult to blog for peace I turn to words such as these, which inspire me.....
#53 Some days it is very difficult to want to blog about peace, but I do because it is important to remind myself of the greater good, and how we all deserve to exist in peace.
#52 Listening to Neil Young and some of the great anti-war music you cannot help but be inspired to think about and imagine peace.
#51 With peace we can concentrate on solving some of society's greater problems such as famine, and sickness as opposed to creating them through armed conflicts.
#50 I blog for peace because I love nature and our environment. Fifty days of peace blogging!
#49 I blog for peace because wars are very expensive and eat up resources that would be better served helping humanity and not harming it.
#48 I blog for peace for all the mothers out there who have lost a child due to war and violence. As a Mom I am afraid to even imagine the suffering such horrific pain and tragedy causes.
#46 I blog for peace in remembrance..............
#45 I blog for peace for the millions of people out there that are unable to do so.
#44 I know I am one small voice within a choir, but every voice helps.
#43 I blog for peace because it reminds me how lucky I have it living in Canada and not directly affected by war as so many of my fellow human beings are. I wish we could all live in peace.
#42 Today is the first full day of back-to-school for many children, but other children have had their education disrupted or taken away because of war. It is for all children that I blog for peace.
#41 I blog for peace because I believe in the peace movement.
#40 I believe it is something that we all hope for, and that is peace throughout our shared world within our lifetimes. At least I hope that we all want peace.
#39 Blogging for peace is a good reminder that no matter how frustrated and upset I personally can become it is better for my inner peace to let go, forgive, and imagine a better world.
#38 I blog for peace because there are currently several wars happening around our globe and people suffering as I type this.
#37 I blog for peace because I support the idea of a world free from war.
#36 I imagine all of the great things we could do and the strides we as humans could make if we were free from the burdens of war.
#35 Today I blog for peace for my niece Emma who I dearly hope will never have to know the horror of war.
#34 I believe that peace in our lifetime is achievable if we want it to be.
#33 It takes courage, patience, decency, and intelligence to resolve our differences peacefully, and these are all admirable traits that we should strive for.
#32 Peace makes perfect logical sense to me.
#31 Some of you may find this silly, and others might completely understand. War frightens me.
#30 I blog for peace because I feel that if you put your thoughts out there perhaps they will manifest, and I feel like I am part of a bigger movement thats end goal can be achieved if we want it to.
#29 I blog for peace because I believe we all deserve to live in safe, healthy, and happy communities.
#28 Today I blog for peace for Jack Layton (1950-2011). A great man of peace and peace activism.
#27 Do I really need a reason????
#26 I blog for peace because I believe it can be achieved if we set out minds, and hearts to it
#26 I want the lives of all children to know hope and love, and not fear.
#25 I blog for peace for all those who have never known it to have it.
#24 I do not want my children to potentially live in a world full of fear and horror from armed conflicts.
#23 Living in a state of peace will allow humankind to reach its fullest potential free from the stresses that created by armed conflict.
#22 A more selfish reason to blog for peace today: It makes me happy and feel good about myself to promote peace in any way that I can, even in such a small way as a blog entry.
#21 Yesterday I blogged for my mother, and today I blog for all of the children who have suffered directly or indirectly because of armed conflicts, especially those whose lives were cut short.
#20 Today is the anniversary of my Mother's passing and as a young girl she knew first hand the horror of being bombed, and growing up in DP (displaced people) camps with her Mother and her siblings. Her Dad (my grandfather) was murdered for politically motivated reasons in 1937. My Mother believed in peace, and today I blog for peace for her.
#19 I believe that peace can be achieved.
#18 The price paid for war financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically is far too high, and not worth it.
#16 The dream of an entire generation of people world-wide who have never known war is worth trying to achieve.
#15 I hope that one day no parent will ever have to endure the pain of losing a beloved son or daughter to war.
#14 I blog for peace in the hope that no more bodies of dead Canadian soldiers have to be transported along the Highway Of Heroes on route to the coroner's office here in Toronto.
#13 I blog for peace for my family, and my future family.
#12 The money spent on armed conflicts should be used for making our lives better, not harming others. I believe human beings are so much better than killing each other in the name of anything.
#11 Wars have a negative impact on all of us. By blogging for peace I can give a voice to those of us who are non-human, but also suffer due to war.
#10 I believe we should learn from history.....Wise words reaching us from almost 100 years ago.
#9 The poster above sends a powerful message. While a very few may actually profit, and flourish because of wars the vast majority on either side will suffer in some fashion because of it.
#8 I have never met a survivor of war who would want to relive it or wish it upon someone else.
#7 Blogging about and for peace is cool!
#6 I expect my children to resolve their conflicts with words, and discussion, and I want to lead by example.
#5 For Phan Thị Kim Phúc
#4 Wars damage our environment and hurt our home.
#3 I would rather spend our money on feeding hungry people than go trillions of dollars in debt on making war. To read more about the drought, and famine conditions in Somalia.
#2 Blogging for peace shows that we support our troops and that we want all armed conflicts to end so that our brave men and women can return home to their loved ones safe and sound where they belong.
#1 "It is always the innocent who suffer the most because of war, the children, the women, the sick and the elderly people."
~ the late Toni Demeter (WWII survivor and my Mom)
She is a wise and kind soul. XOX
Kevin Walsh ~ Carlisle Cumbria England
I Blog for Peace because without it we will not rid the world of hunger and disease. however thanks to many individual days of Peace we stand on the brink of eradicating the second human disease in history. On World Polio Day, Monday 24 October, let's support Rotary's End Polio Now initiative #rotaryendpolio
Yours Truly @ Mimi Writes

#8 I Owe It To My Mother
#9 YOU
#10 I am stubborn
#15-24 The Consequences of Conflict
#25 Damned Disputes!
#26 Biological Warfare
#27 They Took My Challenge and Blogged for Peace 100 Days!
#28 We Are Not Alone
#29 Creative Energy
#31 Afghanistan
#32 The Graduate
#33 Daniel Pearl
#34 Revolution
#35 Peace Lovin' Cats
#36 Ripples
#37 You Wanna Start Something With Me??!
#38 Can We???
#39 Frank's Lily
#40 Vision
#41 P.e.a.c.e.f.u.l.n.e.s.s
#42 I Want More Monuments
#43 Annihilation
#44 To See Followers Take The Lead
#46 The Peace Corps
#47 Friendship
#48 Pink Peruvian Dolls
#49 Marbles In A Bowl and Papa
#50 Suffering
#51 Da Nang, Vietnam 1965
#52 The book I keep on my table
#53 Purpose
#54 Flaws
#55 A Measure of Hope
#56 We make revolution with our words
#57 Changing Our Minds
#58 Peace Flags in Milan
#59 Lay Some Kindness on my World
#60 Step Right Up
#61-69 Langston Hughes and Oman Poets
#70 Peace Activist, You Say?
#71 Inner Peace Isn't Just A Cliche
#72 Twelve Major Wars on Planet Earth
#73 Drills
#74 We're All Human
#75 Making A Preacher Cuss
#76 Write On
#77 Ain't Got No Home
#78 Bubbles
#79 Elie Wiesel
#80 Stillness
#81 It's Just Background Noise
#82 Unlocking Dreams
#83 Bellbottoms and Flower Power
#84 What We Could Be
#85 Living on the same ball of dirt
#86 Respect and Sharing
#87 & 88 There is Silence...and then there is silence
#89 Hiroshima
#90 The Peaceable Kingdom
#91 Freedom of Expression
#92 Suicide Bombers
#92 Focus Focus Focus
#93 I Want to Live in a Safe World
#94 Hunger
#96 Boom!
#97 Peaceful Playgrounds
#98 I believe that words are powerful...this matters.
#99 For my children and grandchildren
#100 100 Days 100 Reasons ~ No Tanks on The Playground
Sandra Hammel, musician, writer, activist @ ilovemylife in Rhode Island
#2 The peace I feel when I listen to this video. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
#3 The Reason I Blog For Peace Post #3 "I want my space to be positive, kind, loving, compassionate, empathetic with a lightness and grace. It is healthier for me. It is better for those who come in my presence. It is better for the universe."
#5 Monsanto
The Reason I Blog For Peace Post #7 The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes
So tonight I blog for peace because they blog for peace and you blog for peace and cats blog for peace and dogs blog for peace and gerbils and goats and even squid.
Yep. Even squid.
(this is a work in progress....stay tuned)