At sunset on July 12, 2012, we, as a community of peace bloggers, launched the 9th BlogBlast For Peace aka Dona nobis pacem in the blogosphere. We made a trip to the shore (virtual and real) and synchronized sunsets across the globe. From Israel to the Atlantic, the Ohio River to the Ionian Sea, virtual splashes from Arkansas to the Connecticut River, from British Columbia, Newfoundland to the Florida coastline, Ireland and Washington, even Mississippi and Oregon met me in North Carolina on the Cape Fear River.... Peace globes 2012 was launched. We made quite a splash.
I could think of no better way to announce our November 4th campaign than a designated time for all to bring the same thoughts and vibes to the table...er...ocean. And that's just what happened. It wasn't just me making an announcement. It was all of us. See the Facebook Event page here. (Peaceful Message In A Bottle Tossing Event)
I was literally on the Atlantic Ocean. This is what happened during a most meaningful beginning:

Quotations came in. I put them in a bottle* or wrote them on shells and rocks. I painted and scripted and cut scrolled paper into strips. Then I wrote my own letter to place in the bottle explaining the movement and its history. This is what sunset looked like when I walked out to greet my fellow peace bloggers on the shore of my Atlantic. The light was blue! Wherever peace bloggers were in the world - on their own beaches of change and hope - I knew they were tossing peaceful thoughts at the same time. These are a few of the sayings I took with me to the beach:
Julie Rose from Ohio sent this quote in. I placed it in the bottle and also wrote it on a shell.
A Kwee Life from Cabot, Arkansas had this to say...
and chose to toss it in the Bloggy Ocean at Message In A Bottle
Shannon from Shannon's Moments of Introspection tossed a bottle on both her blogs and all over Facebook.
Silvia Hoefnagels (Salix Tree) an artist from Ireland who has been a peace blogger since its inception in 2006 created this Lennon inspired "peace" of artwork and posted it on the event page:

She wrote, "below us, above us" I've been doing artwork based on schematics.. this one is based on a RF Power oscillator schematic, musical notes from "Imagine" and the thoughts in my head today. This is the day of "throw-a-peace-message-int
DJ of One Heart in Israel. I wrote her quote on a beautiful horizontal shell I found on the beach. It was perfect. I threw it into my Atlantic and wished for peace on her far-from-peaceful shore. I hope it makes it to her.
Kirstin contributed a powerful Santana quote:
Travis of Trav's Thoughts with an original quote always associated with his peace posts: Diversity need not be divisive.
and dear chef Janice D'Agostino of The Mindful Palate and The Peaceful Palate did a little sprinkling....
and more! I saw these folks there as well...Randal, Dawn, Fisher and Staff, Lori Cheryl, Julie, Ann, Nicholas, Michelle, Hope, Diane (on the Connecticut River), Michael, Jobi (who wrote, "The time for peace is now") Ned (tossing from the Ohio River), EmmDee, Sonny Bee (who will toss a peace message into the Ionian Sea for us in August) CGrayWolf, Eileen, Alicia Ballard, Julie Carlisle, Doreen, Alison, DJ in Israel and others.
Vinny Marini of Music On The Couch fame wrote,
It was so moving to think of the peace bloggers physically (and virtually and metaphorically!) delivering peace to the ocean at the same time. Instead of one person announcing a movement launch while others jump in to follow - we actually began together. I like that. I like that a lot. It speaks to the continuity this movement has achieved and the dedication of all of you. We do believe that words are powerful...or we wouldn't have given them back to the sea and to each other.
Maybe someday somewhere somehow, somebody will find our words and know that a group of writers took the time to write and blog about a peaceful world. Maybe they will join us. Maybe they will believe that it is possible.

Hope to see you there.
What We Do
How To Get Your Peace Globe
#blog4peace #blogblast4peace
*bottle - biodegradable plant based material
Photography Mimi Lenox

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