Our Facebook Fan Page is growing! Click here to join us.
(aka How to Turn Facebook Blue For One Day)
2. On November 4th: Post "Dona nobis pacem" (Grant us peace) as your FB status. If you'd like, change your profile pic to your peace globe for one day.
3. Upload your peace globe and display it on your wall. COMMENT. LIKE. SHARE! Tag me!
BlogBlast For Peace

Promote Your Page Too
4. Post your peace globe to the BlogBlast For Peace Fan Page wall and Peace Bloggers Group.
TAG YOURSELF and ME! Each globe gets an official number and permanent place in the online gallery at BlogBlast For Peace.com and in the FB albums
Leave your location in the comment (if you feel comfortable doing so) so that I can count the countries. We are currently at 59.
That's it! You've been a voice. You've blogged peace.
You may also want to.....
5. Go to Mimi Writes (my blog) and sign the Mr. Linky using your FB url so that bloggers can find your peace post and visit you. Here's the best part! Visit others. Be inspired by the rest of the world. We all want the same thing. Peace. You'll be amazed at what you see and read. It's the day we use our voices for a cause that could change our lives and our world. Use them!
Other activities on Facebook to check out on November 4th:
Go to the CAUSE page and post your peace links and globes
Go to the EVENT page and check out what's happening there. Write on the wall.
Visit the Official Gallery below
BlogBlast For Peace.com |
Go to the Peace Bloggers Group page and join in on the day's activities by interacting
in real time with other
peace bloggers.
It's a blast!
Google peace globes to track the flow of activity on the Internet (I need reporters!)
Remember: Everywhere you see a peace globe COMMENT. LIKE. SHARE. SUGGEST TWEET and ReTweet (Even better, everywhere you go and don't see a peace globe, wish someone peace)
SHARE quotes, videos, observations of the day, peace stories and other folks' links. Share the peace. That's what it's all about.
SHARE it til the NewsFeeds turn blue (smile)
And please, for the love of all that is peaceful, bring me a cup of coffee.
See you soon!
If I believe that words are powerful....then this matters.
Join us November 4th.
How To Blog4Peace The short version: 3 STEPS
1. Save and Sign. Choose any graphic on this page. Right click and Save.
Decorate it or leave as is.
2. Send the finished globe to blogblast4peace@yahoo.com or TAG Mimi Lenox on Facebook
3. Post it anywhere online November 4 and title your post Dona Nobis Pacem (Latin for Grant us Peace) hashtag #blog4peace #blogblast4peace
Your peace globe and post will be assigned a number and placed in the Official Gallery at blogblastforpeace.com.™
Your peace globe and post will be assigned a number and placed in the Official Gallery at blogblastforpeace.com. By participating in BlogBlast4Peace you agree that your peace globe and links may be displayed on other social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg, wherever peace bloggers are online, and shared across the blogosphere in the name of peace and in the spirit of promoting this work. They may also be used in printed works and publications online and elsewhere by the founder of this movement in creating published works about the Blog4Peace movement. If you do not want your peace globe shared and made accessible to others, let me know. Otherwise, please understand that this movement is all about spreading the message.
Thank you for being part of this incredible community of peace bloggers.
About Sharing and Linking: If there is a share button visible on this site then by all means share the peace! Otherwise, images and links on this website may not be copied, downloaded or redistributed offline in printed works or elsewhere online without express permission of the blog author, Mimi Lenox.
© 2006 Mimi Lenox
All rights reserved Blog4Peace™ BlogBlast4Peace™ Blog For Peace ™