Welcome To The Peace Globe Gallery

A collection of peace globes from around the world

Thursday, September 4, 2014

60 Days Until Blog4Peace on Nov 4 ~ Join us

Exactly 60 days from today - Nov 4 - we will blog for peace.

Peace globe by Michelle Frost in Scotland. 
There are thousands of peace bloggers in the world today. They come from six continents and 202 countries and territories.  Every post, status update, tweet, and peace globe is different. But the message is the same.
Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.

You don't have to be a rabble-rouser, a tree hugger, a hippie or a protester to speak loudly for peace in the world. All you need is a quiet determination, a blog, a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, a website or any other place on the web you call home.
 Simply post for peace on Nov 4.
Blogging for peace is easy.

Here are a few ideas:
- Title your blog post "Dona nobis pacem"
- Make "Dona nobis pacem" your FB status
- Post a peace globe as your Facebook profile pic. Make your own or use any you see on this page.
- Get a blank peace globe template from this page and make your own personalized peace globe. Write a post about what peace means to you and share it on social media. That is the traditional and original way we blogged for peace. It is still the most effective venue.
- Tweet "Dona nobis pacem"
- Take a selfie of what peace means to you and post it on Instagram.
- Volunteer in your community. Make a peaceful impact on the lives of others.
- Light a candle for peace on Nov 4
- Pray for peace on Nov 4
- Make a peace video. Share it
- Visit other people on social media who are blogging for peace. Read their posts. Admire their peace globes. Comment! Share your own contributions with people all over the world. Be a part of this amazing community.
-Join our Facebook Fan page or Peace Bloggers Group
- Bake peace cookies!
- Make peace smoothies!
- Play peace songs all day
- Make peace with someone you're at odds with. It's a great day to start a new conversation.
- Meditate
- Wear a Blog4Peace T-shirt or put a bumper sticker on your car. Find those here.
- Take my 60 Day Challenge. Write down ONE way to be peaceful each day for the next 60 days. Then do it. (see FB post below)
-  Share all the peace globes and posts you see online with everyone!

Remember our motto: If words are powerful...then this matters.

Welcome to the fabulous fall frenzy known as BlogBlast For Peace.
If you are willing to commit to one day of peace, then you are able to enlarge your vision until that one day becomes many more. 
Join us.

The peace logos in this post were created by Author Michelle Frost of the award-winning blog, Crow's Feet, in Scotland. We thank her.

Blog4Peace November 4 and everyday on our Facebook page
Our Peace Store

How To Blog4Peace
1. Make a peace globe. Choose any graphic on this page. Save. Sign. Decorate
2. Send the finished peace globe to blog4peace@yahoo.com or TAG Mimi Lenox on Facebook
3. Post it anywhere online November 4
4. Title
your post or status Dona Nobis Pace
m (Latin for Grant us Peace) hashtag #blog4peace #blogblast4peace


About Sharing, Linking, and Copyright

Your peace globe and post will be assigned a number and placed in the Official Gallery at blog4peace.com. By participating in Blog4Peace you agree that your peace globe designs and links may be displayed on other social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg, etc and shared across the Blogosphere wherever peace bloggers are found online, in the name of world peace and in the spirit of promoting this work. They may also be used in printed works and publications online and elsewhere by the founder of this movement, Mimi Lenox, in creating published works about the Blog4Peace movement.
Every effort will be made to credit, notify and obtain permission from the artist if and when the design on your peace globe template is chosen to be featured in printed works, books, or online publications.
If you do NOT want your peace globe design shared and made accessible to others, let me know the day it is submitted or simply submit an anonymous unsigned peace globe.

Otherwise, please understand that this movement is all about spreading the message.

Thank you for being part of this incredible community of peace bloggers.

About Sharing and Linking:
It is perfectly alright to SHARE via share buttons on social media sites from this blog. These beautiful creations and words should be seen and heard in the Blogosphere. However, images and links on this website may not be copied, downloaded or redistributed offline in printed works for profit or elsewhere online for profit without express permission of the blog author, Mimi Lenox. Uses other than sharing from a Share button is a violation of copyright.
© 2006-2023 Mimi Lenox
All rights reserved

Special Launch Event Thursday, July 12, 2012

We launched the 2012 BlogBlast4Peace season with a trip to the shore (real and virtual). I am already on the Atlantic. If you were here with us July 12 at sunset, even in spirit, then you were a part of the 2012 launch for BlogBlast4Peace. I can think of no better way to announce our November 4th campaign than a designated time for all to bring the same thoughts and vibes to the table....er...ocean. Then it won't be just me making an announcement. It will be all of us. I like it!
Facebook Event page is here. It was a great success. Thank you. Let the peace begin.

Peace Poems & Stories

Inspiring Quotes

Inspirational Peace Quotes from Famous People~ Click to expand links


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Musical Peace Posts


Animals With Peace Globes

Prayers For Peace

    John Lennon Peace Posts

    Click to expand links

    Animated Globes!

    Peace Globe

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    Peace Videos

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    Babies For Peace

    Doctors For Peace

    Military and In Memoriam

    manic monday

    My Blogs

    Peace Thimbles

    Peace Thimbles
    Michelle's Peace Project 2011