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Friday, November 4, 2022

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ UNBOUNDED

Welcome to the 17th launch of BlogBlast For Peace aka Blog4Peace. Please sign the Mr. Linky at the bottom of this page so that we may read your beautiful peace posts and visit each other. You can even enter your social media post url.
Most peace posts/globes stream on social media platforms instead of blogs. Doing a hashtag search will get you to many more postings in the coming days. Thank you so much for continuing to speak peace in the world. 
Enjoy the view and be inspired! 

 Dona Nobis Pacem in the Blogosphere began in 2006 and is held annually on November 4th. Our theme for 2022 is "No Freedom. No Peace" and my peace post is called.... 


I woke up smelling rain....
and thinking of dahlias.
Seeing a girl so newly married and in love that if you told her the sky was purple she would have believed it if it came from his eyes.
 I was that girl.

Standing beside the carport of our first modest house, I was planting petunias and dahlias, covered in straw mulch, stardust and dreams. Perched beneath the eave of a green house under a peculiar blue sky, I remember the smell of that rain. Wondering if I'd get my flowers in the ground before the clouds broke free.

 Soon the house would have new siding, brick window casings and a new front porch. And because the roof was flat and tarred, men from our church descended upon us early one Saturday morning, raising pitched rafters and putting on a new roof. It was like an old-fashioned barn raising in the suburbs! They wore blue overalls with pockets of tools and handkerchiefs. One carried Bible tracts in his back pocket and just before the work began, I heard a whole bunch of deacons high on my little green house say a hearty prayer and a big hallelujah amen (kind of like a Baptist football huddle but not...)

We suddenly had an attic and beautiful wood stained siding in the course of one day. I can still see my Dad up on the ladder, hammering and laughing with the motley crew, along with my father-in-law who covered his balding un-churched truck-driving head with a neck gator so that he could dodge impromptu Scripture-throwing and splinters at the same time. 
 I needed to spruce up the outside with bulbs and patches of prayed-in dirt. 

The year was 1979. I was expecting a baby and the move had been difficult. My mother-in-law moved boxes for me and put my house together. 
I just wanted to plant things in the ground.

The chorus in the shingled sky continued. They hammered. And sang. And prayed. I ran as fast as I could from flying nails - as fast as a pregnant woman could run - and served iced tea, carefully and slowly walking barefoot through the grass filled with tape measures and lumber, wondering how we would ever repay them for such kindness 

And then it started to rain

They kept hammering. But faster.

Everything in the universe is composed of five elements: wood, fire, earth, water and metal. I had all five elements on top of my house at the same time. It was like watching spiritual improv on my own personal green Mount of Transfiguration! Jesus told a crowd of people that His Father sends rain to the just and the unjust. During my green house days, I saw Him send rain on the churched and the un-churched. 
My neighborhood had never heard such.
My house was transfigured in a day.
My heart was changed forever.

My African water jug

Which brings me to why I think I know what my heart was trying to tell me this morning some forty-three years later when God as my Witness, I sat straight up in bed and smelled earthy rain clear as day. Not a cloud in the sky outside. But I'm sure I heard a thunderclap in my bedroom. It came from way back in the suburban days of newborns and baptisms, deacons and dahlias...

Two simple words have been floating around in my consciousness for about three years now and they won't let me go. 

Remove judgment.

The year of 2019 was a banner year of bodacious struggle, you see...literally raining down on my pencil head with a force so ungodly I didn't think I'd survive it  and that was before the pandemic began. I had a right to hate. I had a right to seek revenge. I had a right to....to.....
undo myself.

Remove judgment.
That's what Spirit said.

 I've been trying for three years to fine-tune that command. "But they did this..." Remove judgment. "And then they did that!!..." Remove judgment
"But they deserve to pay for what they did. They are the unjust. Right?"
Remove judgment. 

Finally one day I asked why. And the answer I got was like unbounded water falling off a roof.
Because your freedom is at stake. 

The cloud that filled my room this morning
was the same cloud that kept those heavenly roofers hammering in the pouring rain
and is the same cloud that continues to transform me when life sends thunder and lightning.
Whenever I feel justified in judging no matter how justified it is
I hear those two words and stop myself lest it be my undoing

This morning my own sweet grandson gathered a pile of rocks, sticks and leaves (those elements...) and took them to the cemetery. He made an arrangement on top of Papa's marble headstone with great care and deliberation and I felt
the power of marble on marble, peace on peace, granite and wood and fire and earth
and water

and maybe the sound of hammers

My flower garden 1979
Watered with sawdust
no judgment

Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4 Like Our Facebook Page ~ Peace Store How To Get Your Own Peace Globe"


Mickey's Musings said...

A good post and a good message... remove judgement :)
Purrs, Julie and mum Nancy

CyberCelt said...

Great post. I did not know there was a theme, but then I tend to focus on Mother Earth. LOL God bless. Have a great day.

David Timothy Holdsworth BA.Soc.Sc, BA.Theol. said...
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David Timothy Holdsworth BA.Soc.Sc, BA.Theol. said...

Great to see so many involved. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks so much for hosting another successful Blog4Peace day, we have enjoyed all of the art and messages. Here's to Peace for everyone everywhere.

Marvelous Marv said...

I always feel honored to participate in Blogging for Peace. thanks for being the catlyst that has brought so many divergent people together supporting a cause. As Mother Teresa said, Peace begins with a smile. I shall keep smiling! Peace and Love.

About Sharing, Linking, and Copyright

Your peace globe and post will be assigned a number and placed in the Official Gallery at blog4peace.com. By participating in Blog4Peace you agree that your peace globe designs and links may be displayed on other social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg, etc and shared across the Blogosphere wherever peace bloggers are found online, in the name of world peace and in the spirit of promoting this work. They may also be used in printed works and publications online and elsewhere by the founder of this movement, Mimi Lenox, in creating published works about the Blog4Peace movement.
Every effort will be made to credit, notify and obtain permission from the artist if and when the design on your peace globe template is chosen to be featured in printed works, books, or online publications.
If you do NOT want your peace globe design shared and made accessible to others, let me know the day it is submitted or simply submit an anonymous unsigned peace globe.

Otherwise, please understand that this movement is all about spreading the message.

Thank you for being part of this incredible community of peace bloggers.

About Sharing and Linking:
It is perfectly alright to SHARE via share buttons on social media sites from this blog. These beautiful creations and words should be seen and heard in the Blogosphere. However, images and links on this website may not be copied, downloaded or redistributed offline in printed works for profit or elsewhere online for profit without express permission of the blog author, Mimi Lenox. Uses other than sharing from a Share button is a violation of copyright.
© 2006-2023 Mimi Lenox
All rights reserved

Special Launch Event Thursday, July 12, 2012

We launched the 2012 BlogBlast4Peace season with a trip to the shore (real and virtual). I am already on the Atlantic. If you were here with us July 12 at sunset, even in spirit, then you were a part of the 2012 launch for BlogBlast4Peace. I can think of no better way to announce our November 4th campaign than a designated time for all to bring the same thoughts and vibes to the table....er...ocean. Then it won't be just me making an announcement. It will be all of us. I like it!
Facebook Event page is here. It was a great success. Thank you. Let the peace begin.

Peace Poems & Stories

Inspiring Quotes

Inspirational Peace Quotes from Famous People~ Click to expand links
  • Anndi's Luggage ~
    Mother Teresa
  • Anndi's Luggage ~
    Mother Teresa
  • Answers To The Questions
  • Are We There Yet?
  • Are We There Yet?
    Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Cherry, Plum, Dansom Blossoms
  • Comedy Plus
  • Comedy Plus
  • Daisy The Curly Cat
  • It's Sanni-licious ~ 06/07
  • It's Sanni-licious ~ 11/06
  • It's Sanni-licious ~ All We Are Saying
  • It's Sanni-licious ~12/06
  • Kids, Cats, & Books: What Else Is There?
  • Lily's Pad ~ King James Bible
  • Me, My Life, My Garden
  • Mississippizen
  • Missy & KC
  • Mother's Home
  • Odat's Mumblings
  • On A Limb With Claudia ~ Tao
    On The Far Side Of The Sea Luke 2:10-12
  • Parlancheq ~ Jimi Hendrix
  • Pregnant Pauses
  • Quotes In Can
  • Rock and Star
  • Short Stories in the making
  • Studio Susie Says...
  • TeaTime Ramblings
  • This Eclectic Life
  • Trav's Thoughts Yuki and Simiko


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